The moment Sridevi's darling daughter entered teens entire media started writing stories about her film debut and some even went on to write that Atiloka Sundari's daughter Jhanvi will be making her debut with Jagadeka Veerudu's son Ram Charan. However nothing happened and in the mean time Ram Charan became one of the top stars in Tollywood, while Sridevi at one stage virtually ruled out Jhanvi's entry citing that she was deprived of her education due to films at young age and don't want her daughters also lose education. She said she will get them married soon.
All this when she was making her comeback into films with English Vinglish. Many criticized her moves of making a comeback and stalling her daughter's progress. Even Sri's photo shoots sporting mini skirts along with her daughter drew much flack. What effected one doesn't know but Sri says her daughter is keen on debuting in films but she is waiting for a perfectly strong script and a top banner for her spectacular launch.