Hyderabad: Popular Telugu actors like Mahesh Babu, Ravi Teja, Pawan Kalyan, Junior NTR and Genelia D'Souza have made it to the list of Forbes India Celebrity 100. Among these actors, Prince is in the top order and as per Forbes' records, he his the highest earning and most famous actor in Telugu film industry. Forbes Magazine has recently published the list of 100 most powerful celebrities in India in 2012. The Forbes India Celebrity 100 has been compiled based on the income, Google hits, fan base, press clips and magazine covers. A few Bollywood superstars like Shahrukh and Salman Khan, and top cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli have occupied the top 10 positions in the list. Mahesh Babu, who is in the top spot among Telugu actors, has landed in the 31st place. Whereas, others like Ravi Teja, Pawan Kalyan, Nagarjuna, Genelia D'Souza and Junior NTR have graced 50, 53, 56, 62 and 66 spots, respectively, in the list. It is sad that few other top Telugu actors like Venkatesh, Balakrishna, Ram Charan Teja, Allu Arjun and Prabhas have failed to make it the list. We bring you the ranking other details of Telugu actors published in Forbes Magazine. Check them out below.
Rank Name Earnings(Rs in cr) Money Rank Fame Rank
31 Mahesh Babu 42.25 15 79
50 Ravi Teja 15.5 38 56
53 Pawan Kalyan 26.33 24 85
56 Nagarjuna 11.79 50 55
62 Genelia D'Souza 0 9.55 59 66
66 NT Rama Rao Jr 19.00 31 91
50 Ravi Teja 15.5 38 56
53 Pawan Kalyan 26.33 24 85
56 Nagarjuna 11.79 50 55
62 Genelia D'Souza 0 9.55 59 66
66 NT Rama Rao Jr 19.00 31 91