The mixed response for fresh release of 'Genius' in the direction of omkar with story of Chinni Krishna may go to Bollywood verys oon. Celebrating the birthdays of Chinni Krishna and screenplay writer Visu yesterday, they have broke the news of 'Genius' will be remade in Hindi on a lavish scale. Even Chinni is dreaming to rope in Amitabh Bachchan for a key character that was done by Sharath Kumar in Telugu version.
In fact, 'Genius' was opened to severe bashing from critics for the poor execution of omkar. Now, the same is going to Hindi means lot of changes have to be incorporated. As omkar being the first brain behind happening of this project, definitely he will be the front runner to direct the Hindi version also. It will be a worthy wait to see when and how willomkar step into B-town.