Victory Venkatesh and Prince Mahesh Babu's multi-starrer 'Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu' is all set for a big release on 11th January with maximum number of theaters everywhere across the state. As of now, the movie was expected to face competition from Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'naayak', as the latter is slated for a big release on 9th January. However, Universal hero Kamal Hassan's 'Viswaroopam's release date has been confirmed as 11th January, the same day of the release date of 'SVSC'. Obviously, 'SVSC' has to take on 'Viswaroopam', apart from 'naayak'. We have to wait and see how well Kamal Hassan gives a tough fight with 'SVSC'. 'Viswaroopam' is expected to release in 250+ screens in AP.
Samantha and Anjali are have done the lady leads of 'SVSC'. Micky J.Meyer has scored the music of the movie. Srikanth Addala has directed the movie on Sri Venkateswara Creations which is owned by Dil Raju.